Sat, Feb 15, 2025


Countdown Timer

screenshot The simple animated countdown script that counts down hours, minute, seconds and execute required program after a specified amount of time has passed. It can also close specific window by title name or stop all running processes with the given name. It will change the window background colour and will beep last ten seconds as reminder...


How to use and what it does:

• Choose required time Hours : Minutes : Seconds (up to 23:59:59) and press CLEAR button to reset, if you choose wrong time

• Type process name that needs to be killed (it will close all running processes with that name, e.g. vlc.exe or notepad.exe)

Or you can type window title for specific window, which need to be closed

(it will close any window with the containing words in the Title, e.g. rtmp:// or rt-global-live-HD, so other VLC media players may continue to run)

• Untick Loop, if you need it run once

• Press START button (it will create timer.ini file with required settings that can be used for Loop)

During Countdown, “Choose file…” will be replaced by “Manual Restart” button

• Press Manual Restart to override timer time

• To reset Loop timer – untick Loop check-box and press Manual Restart or delete timer.ini file

To get this program - Go to download section